Licensed in NY, CT, MA.



Sadie a 14 year old female spayed domestic short hair cat, has a history of hyperthyroid, slightly increase kidney values and anemia due to chronic renal failure.  At this time Sadie's thyroid is under control, her kidney values are within normal limits and her blood volume is slightly below normal.  Sadie presented with a large 5 x 7 cm mass directly on top of her head which was greatly infected and malodorous.   Initially a fine needle aspirate was taken and the results came back as  scar tissue,. which did not seem 100 % likely.  After consulting with the owner regarding surgery and informing the owner of possible complications due to Sadie's medical history.  With full understanding the owner decided to proceed with surgery.
The links below are a time table between day of surgery, days after surgery and time of suture removal.  The biopsy results indicated a very nasty and aggressive tumor.  Unfortunately about 3 weeks later, a small part that was not able to be removed at the time of the first surgery started to enlarge rapidly and she was brought back to surgery.  At that time, at appearances, about 99% of the remaining tumor was removed.  Only time will tell.  As of today, Sadie is doing very well, her hair has almost completely grown back, and no signs of re-growth of the tumor.

  Day of Surgery #1 10-14 Days Post      

RUDY Rudy is a 12 year old male neutered Beagle that presented with a large mass at his right armpit area.  After proceeding with further evaluations such as blood work and cytology, Rudy was brought to surgery to have his mass removed.  Click here for pictures.  After fully recovering from his mass removal surgery , Rudy presented a few months later for difficulty urinating. An urine analysis was performed and calcium bladder stones was diagnoses.  A cystotomy was then performed and seemed to recover okay but still having some difficulty urinating.  Further tests were performed, including an ultrasound, and an enlarged calcified prostate was noted.  A biopsy was to be performed at a later time.  Since then Rudy continued to have difficulty urinating up to the last couple of days not being able to urinate at all.  An urinary catheter was placed for temporary relief.  Once the urinary catheter was removed, Rudy continued to have difficulty suspecting the enlarged prostate was closing off his urethra.  Rudy was put to sleep on 4/30/08.  He will be missed dearly.